Recently, scientists discovered a new and potentially significant internal source of aging centered in the body’s genes. The researchers have determined that certain gene clusters govern both the body’s youthful functions as well as how we age. As we get older these genes slowly “turn off,” thereby contributing to the various signs that we interpret as aging. In addition, an enzyme called arNOX that is produced in the skin. Present on the surface of our body’s cells, the arNOX enzyme is capable of continuously generating free radicals in the epidermis.
While the uncovering of the gene clusters and arNOX and their role in oxidative skin damage was impressive, there still remained the problem of protecting the skin from such damage. Fortunately, NuSkin and researchers from Purdue and Stanford have developed a revolutionary technology—called ageLoc—that slows the production of arNOX free radicals at their source and slows free radicals before they get started.