My "Interactive Photo" collection, features "Photosynths" created from High-definition videos and photography; taken both domestically, during special occasions and while on vacations visiting other countries.
A "Photosynth" is a unique new technology, capable of combining ultra-high resolution photography along with lower quality images, into one seamless, browsable viewer. The imaging technology goes far beyond a simple panoramic and creates an sort of interactive video / 3D experience.
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You really must try it for yourself in order to understand how unique it is. Chose any of my recent Photosynth's by navigating to the locations available under my drop down "Interactive Photo" menu to the left.
Once a Photosynth is visible on your screen; navagating is very easy. Use any of the icons defined here to advance through images or zoom in & out.
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You can easily pan around within an environment by using the on-screen arrows; visible at the borders of each Photosynth window.
Once you get more familiar with how a "Photosynth" works, consider adopting some of these "Hotkey" shortcuts for an even more enjoyable tour of each collection.
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When you are ready to access even more advanced features; proceed to the included link, below each of my embedded Photosynth windows. These links will navigate you directly to the originating, Microsoft hosting site. Once there, you will be able to take advantage of each shortcut & hotkey command listed below.