Some folks are only inspired to accomplish something if others are able to recognize, pay tribute to, or monetarily compensate them for their accomplishment. Other's find the drive, incentive and passion to create, produce and grow simply for the sake of the accomplishment itself and the edification which comes from creating something new; regardless of whether or not others are present or aware of the effort.
For those who enjoy learning, striving and improving one's knowledge and capacity, regardless of measured or shared recognition with others; the following websites are simply a treasure! You will find an ability though these resources to literally learn just about any physical science, chemistry, political science, history, health care, astronomy, architecture, languages, all levels of math, software training, grammar, physics, philosophy or practically any other area of academic learning you choose.
"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education" - Albert Einstein
Soon we will live in a world which better understands, self sufficient accountability, where related to the study habit and self sufficiency of every student; regardless of which level or area of studies they are facing. Once this maturity and wisdom is more common, and something our culture embraces, teaches and expects then resources being made available all around the world will then be recognized for the revolutionary tools in learning and developing they represent. "The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education" - Albert Einstein
Schools, libraries, colleges & university use to be the exclusive resources (beyond that of internship and apprenticeships) we had to depend on for higher education and continued education. However, such brick and mortar, costly, institutions are simply no longer required.
Society has not yet caught up with these existing, new opportunities, the information age has now brought instantly to our fingertips, ears and eyes. And there may not yet be an award system or measurable way to account for the regular attendance or results each attendee visiting these resources garners; regardless, they are no less capable of complimenting and in most cases replacing our current aging system of education in this country.